Description: Led the evaluation of various energy project opportunities at the North Campus including PV, CHP, BESS and other microgrid technologies, as well as the aging and inefficient steam plant. Attended kick-off meeting with County Director of Facilities and Operations. Collected interval data for 21 electric and three gas accounts. Conducted site visits of the various campus facilities including a retirement home and prison to assess site conditions and potential limitations. Created basis of design for two distributed CHP units at 550kWDC and four PV arrays with 1.45MWDC of aggregated nameplate capacity, including conceptual design documentation. Conducted regulatory feasibility and technical and financial modeling for CHP, PV and BESS systems. Performed sensitivity analysis to develop key feasibility indicators for the County to monitor including installed costs, SREC prices, grant opportunities, etc. Models and concept design and renderings were packaged with analysis and recommendations and delivered in a Project Report


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